Monday, September 27, 2010

I'll Have Another Round of Shots Please!

Not the kind we enjoyed in our twenties, but the kind that make me loose sleep at night just thinking about them. Sam and I went for our 2 month check up today and he's doing great and filling out just as expected. Official stats were 12lb, 15 oz (73%), 24" long (81%), and 40.25 head circumference (51%). So he still is a big dude, however, I think it is safe to say he did not inherit the big Rademeyer melon. He has a bit of eczema on his little cheeky but nothing major and other than that he's great right now. He's very strong for his age it seems. He can hold his head up well, and has been standing with all his weight on his two feet since about 6 weeks old. He's recently found his fat little hands and likes to put them in his mouth. The best of all is that he's found his tongue and loves to play a fun game of stick your tongue out at each other. He really thinks it's hilarious and I have to capture it on video soon b/c that is that highlight of every morning here. We also are spending time practicing holding his baba so he can feed himself like a big boy one day.

We had to get the dreaded vaccine shots today. Surprisingly he was a tough little guy and only cried for about 30 seconds. It honestly went much better than I had anticipated considering I was still awake lastnight at 12am just thinking about it. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I do not like to miss a minute of sleep and bedtime starts at 9pm here for mommy and daddy. Sam has also been doing really well with sleeping. He's officially in his crib and goes down every night now at 8:30 and now sleeps until 2:30 and then from about 3 to 6. It's wonderful. Napping during the day has still been a bit of a challenge but that is partially my own fault for not sticking to schedule and usually we're on the go. He will not fall asleep that way anymore b/c he's a nosey little buger.

We had a wonderful weekend with fabulous weather here in STL. Friday night was spent on our patio enjoying the usual Rademeyer bon-fire. I believe our new neighbors are beginning to think we're a bunch of pyromaniacs. Saturday we met Geema & Papa at Chandler Hill winery for lunch. Then Brant and I headed to Klondike park for a little stroll, and then off to our friends for a BBQ. Which was then followed up by a nice little visit from Grandma Denise on Suday afternoon. We're enjoying every second of this fall weather. Officially beginning the countdown until I go back to work on October 15th. I try not to think about the work part and just know that I have 3 more weeks to spend every second with my little man and get as much mommy and Sam time in as I possibly can.

Here's some recent photos. Tootles!

                                       Check out my new trick!

                                          Lunch with Geema Pam and Papa Dan
                                         Chandler Hill Winery view

                                         Klondike Park

                                          Let's Play!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

8 Weeks Old, Oh My!

Mr. Sam was 8 weeks old this past Friday the 17th. Wa ha ha ha (that's me crying). He's getting sooooo big already. I mean really big. Accordning to my scale at home he's 13 lbs and to me looks like a 3 month old. I just can't believe it. He's smiling and cooing and smiling some more and I just love every second of it. Between that he's still crying and fussing and screaming but I think I may just be getting used to that now.

He's been doing better with sleeping at night too. A typical night for us is putting him to bed between 8:30 & 9:00 and he'll usually go for about a 5 hour stretch. A really good night he's up at 2am, 4:30, and then up for the day around 6:30 or 7. But those 5 hours are golden and get me through the day! I keep hearing from everyone..... Oh just put some cereal in his bottle and he'll sleep longer, but the pediatrician advises against that until 4 months. So Brant and I discussed it and we decided to give it a whirl with me going back to work in 4 weeks, and only added 1 tbsp to his night time feeding. Boy was that a HUGE mistake! That night he was up at 11:15, 1:30, 3:30, 4:30, 6:30, and then up for the day at 8:30. That is never coming back out of the pantry until he's old enough.

We haven't really been doing anything too exciting on the home front other than spending time together. We're patiently awaiting this Fall season to take over, however, yesterday was 92 and today is supposed to be even warmer. Sam and I did hit the trail yesterday for a little morning jog which was nice. It wasn't too hot yet and it was very peaceful. Sam did a little off-roading in his stroller to check out his first creek. Can't wait to go back with Daddy!

Watch Me Grow!

So I've been wanting to post these videos for about a week now however, there is a new tool I discovered (Microsoft Movie Maker) that I was hoping to learn and be able to edit them. Unfortunately, with the constant fussing, poopie diapers, and never ending laundry I haven't found the time yet. So I'll spare you some time and tell you that on the first one you can just fast forward to about 1:20 into it.

Sam's Squeak
Tummy Time!

I promise I will soon get this down pat so these will be much more enjoyable to watch :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Smiley Pie

Oh my gosh you guys, I feel like so much has been going on that I can't even possibly blog about everything we've been up to. In a nut shell got home from the lake and Brant still had like 5 more days of vacation to hang with us. We spent one day at home catching up on the housework, went and got family pictures done that are soo ador. Went to the sucky Cardinal game and sat behind the Cincinatti Red's #1 Superfan who ruined it for us. 2nd time away from my son in 7 weeks and he stayed with Aunt Kizzie. Went swimming and Pam and Dan's. Sam was overall pretty good the whole time (except for Aunt Kiz) and then Brant went back to work. Wed awful (slept 9.5 hours all day). Thursday awful. Then today came along and I don't know if the planets were all in aligment or what happened but my son was PERFECT!

He's starting to smile at me and interact with his toys and things around him more and he's just so much fun to be with. He fell asleep on his own too which is a first. I got out his jump n go b/c he's always kicking his feet and it was awesome. I've taken entirely way to many pictures and videos to even post them all but here's a few. This is probably my lamest blog too but I need to get back to making birth annoucements for my son that's almost 2 months old. Woops!

Sam's trip to the grocery store that ended terribly

Jump N Go Time!

Sam's late night partying with Mommy! Think he may have had a few too many bottles. :)


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

My Hips Won't Lie

Pre-pregnancy weight was 130lbs. At 6 1/2 weeks postpartum I'm back down to 135. How is that I only have 5 lbs to lose and still can't button my pants. Oh little Sammy Boy you are worth every extra inch!

Latest Fall Fashion in my closet is using hair rubber bands to keep pants on. I'm hoping everyone will pick up on this b/c it looks good.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Big Ole' Fat Baby!

Sam's check up was today with Dr. Blythe. I just love her. He had to get his first shot which actually wasn't too bad. However, I was warned twice that our next visit are two "big" shots and one my cause a fever as a side effect. Soooooo not looking forward to that.

Anyways, my Big Ole Fat Baby weighed in a 11lb 1.5oz which puts him at 68% on weight, and was 65% for height, and 62% for head circumference so he's a big healthy little meatball. Everyone always says how tiny he is but I've been thinking he looks like a 3 month old!
8 lbs baby, and 3 lbs of cheekies:

First Trip to the Lake

I remember my last trip to the lake.........packing took all of 10 minutes to throw some crap in a bag and go. Once, we actually threw our things in a trash bag in a spur of the moment decision to go when we had just moved out of our house. We decided to go on a Friday evening, and were on the road in a hour.

This particular road trip took about 2 days of planning and an entire day of packing for this new mom. The Envoy was packed from floor to ceiling with the pack n play, stroller, boppy, bouncy, monitor, bottles, clothes and all other equioment for this little 11 lb person. Then my best little friend decided he did not want to take a nap and be held all day. So I busted out the baby back pak and carried him around like Micheal Keeton from the movie "Mr. Mom". I've learned that this little device is becoming one of my fav's. So far it's been my only solution to cleaning the house.

So off we go to the lake for our first family vacation with cousins Melissa and Ryan. After a long day of packing and crying I was ready for bed upon arrival. Saturday was wonderful though and we spent our time shopping, swimming, eating, and enjoying some much deserved vino! Sam did very well with his napping and we all had a great time. Brant and I decided to stay two extra days. 
So far we're really enjoying Daddy's week of vaction.