Sunday, April 25, 2010

26 Weeks

Haven't had much to share really. but thought I'd give this update a whirl. Boy does your life slow down and change even when your just pregnant, but hopefully I'll be better at this when the baby gets here. Latest updates: in my 26th week as of Friday. We had our last ultrasound at 18 weeks and found out we're have a little boy and have decided to name him Samuel Brayden Rademeyer. The furniture came in for the nursery and everything is place, and our registries have been updated so we're moving right along. Still on the to-do list is to find a pediatrician and child care so that I can go back to work. Both equially important.

I've been feeling great the last couple of weeks. Kicked that nasty cold and started sleeping again so all is well on the baby front. Sam is kicking and moving all the time which is my favorite! I catch myself watching my little baby bump at my desk many times instead of working. Woopsies. Tuesday is our next check up and I have to do that glucose test which requires me to drink some nasty sugary drink before they can take my blood to test for gestational diabetes. Since I've been feeling well I know that we're going to get a A+. So that's that for now. 14 weeks to go...... stay tuned!