Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day Off = Pay Off

Yea yea yea. Once again I haven't posted since May. Just to bring everyone up to speed; quit my job, stay at home mom, best decision I've ever made in my life, Sam turned 2, we get to play all the time, hope to do this more often, yadda yadda yadda. So my original intent was to work part-time but decided against that. For the time being, my son still goes to the sitter's two days a week to be with his friends and get away from me. Now I know that many people are wondering what the hell do you do with your time two days a week with no kids and no job, right?
The first few weeks I spent catching up on many projects I neglected for three years. I also became reaquainted with my kitchen. MostlyI'm doing all my chores those days so that when I'm with my son we have nothing to do but play, learn, and meet new friends. Today, however, I've started the first of many DIY projects. I have a passion for that as well as organizition, creativity, being a mom, and blogging about it of course. So today I was able to put them all together!
My son is a lover of books and we frequent the library. Unfortunately it was starting to take over his room. I went on a search and found a way to get a stack of free pallets and then turned to etsy and pinterest and was able to find this link with some simple instructions to take back his nighstand.

DIY Pallet Shelves

After a little blood and sweat, but no tears, I think they turned out great!

Mountain of Books
The reclaimed wood gives them more character which fits well in this household. Eight cuts with a hand saw took up most of the morning but it was totally worth it. Most importantly, it was TOTALLY FREE!!!!!! Can't wait to see what else I can make. Stay tuned for more ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle......


1 comment:

  1. No longer in denial about being a stay-at-home mom, huh? Good for you. Cool idea I guess, but I don't see me putting those in my house. - ej
