Dear Bloggers,
My oh my how I have missed you. Used to be once a month and now I over two have gone by. I'm not proud of it and have no excuse; I apologize. Now moving on to the fun part. Yes our little man finally turned the Big Numero Uno July 23rd. I can't really believe it myself. A whole year has gone by and this once tiny, fragile human being we created has turned into a jumping, shouting, laughing, temper tantrum throwing little person. He's grown into quite the little character with likes and dislikes, and a sweet little dance move of his own that we have labeled "The Hot Feet". He has certain foods, songs, shoes, and now sippy cups that he prefers. The daily challenge now is learning how to communicate to each other what those are, or aren't, all the while still having the time of our life!
We opened our home up to 36 adults, 15 children ranging in ages 2 to 12, two babies, and one little birthday boy. On a lovely day in July with the heat index hitting 117 degrees. It was a bit swealtering outside but he didn't seem to mind one bit. We all enjoyed our day celebrating the first year of this sweet little guy and Mommy and Daddy could be prouder!