Tuesday, May 25, 2010


We are 30 weeks and 4 days today and officially have graduated to bi-monthly dr visits. Yeah! Yet another sign that we're getting closer. We've had a very baby filled past couple of weeks including birthing class, and my first baby shower with my girlies. Thanks to them we brought home many wonderful gifts for the little man such as his stroller, crib mattress, swing, walker, and lots of cute little outfits and other neccesities. It's quite unbelievable how much "stuff' these babies come with. Below are a couple of shots of the fun:

I also had my check up appointment today with my awesome Dr. He rocks! Sam's heart rate is perfect as well as my blood pressure. I still do not have any swelling or stretchmarks, however, he said today that my uterus is now measuring at 35 weeks! No wonder why I look and feel like I am as big as a house. I told Dr. Kuebel that I've been getting that alot lately but it doesn't sound as nice as the way he put it. I hear things more like, "do you have a name picked out for your twin baby, or do you think you're really going to make it to July 30th, or just a simple "whoa" which pretty much says it all.

All of the wonderful little aches and pains have set in and we're not getting much sleep. So naps are my new favorite thing too. We're headed back to the doc June 9th to have an ultrasound done so he can measure the actual size of baby Sam. He told me that it could be that he's just positioned a lot higher than usual. I don't have high hopes for that being the case. And here's the latest belly shot to see for yourself :O) That's all for now. Stay tuned........

Monday, May 3, 2010

3rd Trimester!

28 weeks down, and I'm already in my 3rd trimester! Yeeee-ha! 12 weeks to go til due date, July 30th. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I had my glucose test done at my last check up (last week) and those counts as well as my iron and others that I can't even remember all came back perfectly normal. Doc says my uterus is still measuring 1-2 weeks ahead of schedule but still assures me that I will not be delivering a gigantic baby. Considering I was 9lb10oz and Brant was around 9lbs, and one of his brothers was just about 10 lbs I think a big fat baby is just inevitable. Sorry uterus. 
Anywho, I've taken some belly photos here and there and thought I'd share since this is everyone's opportunity to watch me get fat. Speaking of fat, I just finished my chocoloate Entemann's donut dunked in milk afternoon snackie. Mmmmmm. Official weight gain to date is about 26 pounds and shouldn't be over 25, and less than 3lbs of that is baby Sam oopsies. Tootles.
29 weeks

17 weeks

11 weeks

4 weeks